The Unwinding Path is an arts journal for those who enjoy creative arts, like esoteric photography and printmaking, seek peacefulness, and are curious minded. As this progresses, you will find art by L.S. King and friends, her processes, maybe a cool DIY thing or two, interviews with other artists, survival guides for late in life degree seekers, and who knows what else (this probably means muse cat photos).
The Unwinding Path is the blog of L.S. King – photographer, want-to-be printmaker and sometimes hypnotist. By day she is an arts communications officer at a rural university (translation: photographer, writer, and media content provider), and most of the rest of her time she is an MFA graduate student at Radford University.
She has an MA in Transpersonal Studies from Atlantic University and a BFA with a concentration in photography from Shepherd University. She is also a graduate of the American School for Hypnosis.
Her other site is